Previous Scholars

Mitchell Armstrong

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Microbiology, University of Wisconsin Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)

PREP Project: Bacterial natural competence, secretion and chaining

PREP Faculty Mentor: Briana Burton

Position After PREP: Food Science PhD, University of Wiscosin-Mdison (Madison, WI)

Alaina Houghton-Chamberlain

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Biology and Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)

PREP Project: IRX3 and Septin7 Interactions in Oocyte Cytoplasm During Germline Cyst Breakdown Primordial Follicle Formation

PREP Faculty Mentor: Joan Jorgensen

Position After PREP: Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Graduate Training Program (PhD), University of Wiscosin-Mdison (Madison, WI)

Autumn Rain Chevalier

Undergraduate Degree: B.S Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)

PREP Project: Lipidomic research – Metabolic markers in Native American Populations in relation to diabetes and cardiovascular disease

PREP Faculty Mentor: Judith Simcox

Position After PREP: Pathway Liasison, Native American Center For Health Professions (NACHP)

Jessica Lysne

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Neurobiology & Global Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)

PREP Project: Role of Type VI Secretion Systems in the Mosquito Gut Microbiome

PREP Faculty Mentor: Kerri Coon

Position After PREP: Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Program (PhD), Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan)

Lydia Agnew

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Global Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)

PREP Project: Selective Serotonin Receptor Antagonism during Gestation

PREP Faculty Mentor: Laura Hernandez

Position After PREP: Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Graduate Training Program (PhD), University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)

Awards: ABRCMS 2023 Presentation Award (computational and systems biology), Endo 2024 Presidential Poster Competition Winner, 2024 NSF GRFP Honorable Mention

Joshua Bruce

PREP Faculty Mentor: Ari Rosenberg

PREP Project: CIP Visual Memory

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Biomedical Engineering, University of Miami (Miami, FL)

Jojo Maier

Undergraduate Degree: BA in Biochemistry, Lawrence University (Appleton, WI)

PREP Project: The Role of Peripheral Serotonin in Age-Related Male Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction​

PREP Faculty Mentor: Chad Vezina

Position After PREP: Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Graduate Training Program (PhD), University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)

Awards: 2024 NSF GRFP

Alexis Menendez

Undergraduate Degree: BA in Biology and Environmental Science, Carthage College (Kenosha, WI)

PREP Project: Investigating the Role of Sugar Transports in Stem Cell Lineages in the Drosophila melanogaster Ovary

PREP Faculty Mentor: Daniela Drummond-Barbosa

Position after PREP: Environment and Resources program, University of Wisconsin- Madison (Madison, WI)

Awards: AOF fellowship

Grace Semaan

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Chemistry & Forensic Investigation, University of Wisconsin-Platteville (Platteville, WI)

PREP Project: Use of Tn-seq to identify novel Listeria monocytogenes virulence genes

PREP Faculty Mentor: JD Sauer

Position after PREP: Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Program (PhD), Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan)

Allondra Woods

Undergraduate Degree: BS in Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)

PREP project: Biogeochemical Flushing of Uranium in a Contaminated Aquifer;  Degradation of Wastewater FOG (fats, oils, and grease)

PREP Faculty Mentor: Erica Majumder

Position after PREP: Biological Engineering Graduate Program (PhD), Utah State University (Logan, Utah)